Thursday, 11 July 2013


Blog closed until further notice

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Trading with 10k

This is a lot easier than a lot of people would think. On my YouTube channel I have a series where I have started from 10k. Currently, there are two episodes up and a third coming soon. I started with about 15k and currently have 65k halfway through episode three. I should be able to hit 75k+ depending on the deals that I am able to find. Now you're probably wondering how I did this. It's quite simple actually and I'm going to teach you how I do it.

First, I am going to show you how to set up the auction search so you are able to find good deals. Basically, you want to be searching for gold players in a popular league in good formations. Then you want to set the minimum and maximum prices to 550 and 650. This is what your auction search should look like. 

You don't have to use the BPL and you don't have to stick to just 4-1-2-1-2. You can use any league and I would recommend reaching out to other formations as well. When you pull up this search loads of players will pop up. Don't bid on every single player you see. The first few times you do this I would recommend adding them to your watch list and then check the prices when you've gotten up to the one hour mark. 

Once you have added the players to your watch list, go back to the auction search and start checking prices. If you have not read my article about checking players prices then click here. In order to make profit using this method you must check prices using the lowest buy now. Then you want to calculate a 400 coin profit, but make sure you remember tax. When you are bidding to win these players just go up by the regular increments until you hit the maximum price you want to pay for the player. 

Now this is the most important part of making profit. Listing the players at a price someone will buy them at, but not listing as the lowest buy now is very important. If you list it at the lowest buy now it will sell faster, but  other people will try to list it as the lowest buy now, so you will destroy the price of the player by doing that. You want to match the lowest buy now on the market or put it up for a few hundred coins more than the lowest buy now. 

As you can see above there are two 4-1-2-1-2 CDM Wilsheres on the market. They are both at a price of 4700. This is good because I have searched for a minimum of 5k. I would list my Wilshere up at a 5k buy now because once these two cards are bought then I will own the lowest buy now on the market. Also if people see that the next lowest buy now is 5k they will be more likely to buy the 4700 coins ones since they still have the possibility of making profit on those two cards. This isn't usually the case with most players. Most players have a range of buy nows. What I mean by that is that the card has one up at a 2k buy now, three up at a 2100 coin buy now, and three up at a 2300 coin buy now. If this is the case you will want to put your card up at the 2100 coin buy now because there is only one card at 2k which will be bought fairly quickly. Then you will be competing to sell your card with two other cards. Your card will eventually get bought and you will make 100 extra coin profit on the card than you originally calculated.

Now that we know how to find the price were going to sell at you must know how to list the player in order to not lose money. Far too often do I see people list players up for a cheap start price and the price they want to sell at as the buy now. People WILL buy your player is there is only a few hundred coins between the start price and buy now. When listing a card this is what it should look like.

As you can see, there is only 100 coins between the two prices. People will buy players that are put up on auction like this. It ensures that you are making profit, whereas if you put this card up for a 1k start price and a 1500 buy now, someone may get lucky and buy the card for 1k. 

Now, there's one last thing that your probably wondering. "What if my card doesn't get bought?" There are two answers for this. Either you can lower the price by one increment at a time or you can check the lowest buy now again and see if the price has changed. Whatever you do don't get discouraged and list the player up for a really cheap price. You will eventually be able to sell the player for some profit.

This method hasn't been working very well lately as people are buying cheaper teams because of TOTS. The more expensive players have been declining rapidly in price. I would guess that after TOTS you will be able to use this method pretty easily again. Before TOTS, I was making close to 50k/day using this method, but now I'm able to pick up far fewer players at bargain prices.

This method may not seem like its getting you anywhere, but it is. If you add up all of the 400 coin profits you will be making 4k off of every 10 cards and if you learn the market well you can pick up cards left and right. You can usually pick up 20 cards every hour or so you do this if you know how. It does take time and the rewards seem low, but if you actually are trying to multiply your 10k this is the best method for it. Before I leave you to try the method out I want to tell you that the more money you have the more profit you can make per hour. If you have hundreds of thousands of coins you can still use this method and make loads of coins. I used this method until I hit 300k on my main account. I hope this works well for you and I wish you all luck.

If you want to contact me, it would be best if you sent me a message on Twitter or YouTube because I can not promise that I will check the comments on this blog. If you have any questions at all I would gladly help you to the best of my ability and if there is anything you want me to cover. Also, if you would like to see my trading in action check out the series on my YouTube channel. (link is above)

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Finding a Players Price

Finding a players price is something that is very important when you are buying and selling players. You don't want to over pay or under sell. Now I'm sure most of you are saying "yeah, yeah, yeah, I know how to do this already". I can guarantee you that there will be some people that don't. Far too often do I see players loose money by putting players up for prices that are half of what the player is really worth. This could be easily changed if you had taken the time to read this post. There are two ways to do this and I will give you the pros and the cons of each method.

1. Using a Database

When I first started playing FIFA 12 this is how I appraised my players. Honestly, it didn't turn out too well because after about two months I still had a measly 10k. I would recommend using a database as a ROUGH estimate. When I say rough I mean ROUGH. At times there will be prices of players that are way under or over they're actual price. If the price on the database is less than the actual value, no big deal you just lose the bids, but if the database tells you that a player is worth 10k that's really worth 2k your in a tough spot.

- Quickly Accessible
- Gives you a Good Estimate

- NOT 100% Accurate
- Can be Glitchy at Times

2. Checking the Lowest BIN (Buy It Now)

This is my preferred method for checking prices. When trading, lowest BIN is your friend. You want to put your players up for the lowest BIN or one of the lowest BINs. All you have to do to find the lowest buy now is go to the auction search and enter the details of the player you are trying to find. In the maximum BIN area you are going to enter the price of the lowest BIN price. 

When you pull this search up you will find that Hernandez's lowest BIN is 1k. This means that you will be able to sell him at or around this price, it really depends on the formation.

- As Accurate as You Can Get
- Memorize Prices/Players Quickly

- Takes Time
- Isn't 100% Accurate if there is a Limited Supply of the Player

Overall, both methods are helpful in different ways. If you are quickly trying to put a bid on a player at the last second, you will probably want to use a database. If that's not the case then you should use the lowest BIN to appraise your players. I personally use a combination of both methods. Which one I use depends on what player I'm bidding on and whether or not I'm feeling lazy. Like I said before, I know most of you know this, but there are people out there that are still learning.

If you want to contact me, it would be best if you sent me a message on Twitter or YouTube because I can not promise that I will check the comments on this blog. If you have any questions at all I would gladly help you to the best of my ability and if there is anything you want me to cover.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Finding Someone to Trade With

This may be easier than you think. On average, there are roughly 1 millions cards on the market. Let's just assume that 800 thousand of those cards are player cards. I'm going to say that maybe 200 thousand of those cards are up for prices that no one is going to buy them at. That leaves roughly 600 thousand cards that you can make profit off of. 

Deciding who to trade with is sometimes hard. It is mainly dependent on how much money you have. The reason I say this is because you NEVER want to put all of your money into a single player and you NEVER want to spend all of your coins at once. When you have low amounts of coins probably under 30k I would suggest trading with players with a price range of 1k-2k. I say this because if your making 400 coins profit per card you will be able to buy 20-40 cards or so. This may not sound like much initially, but 20 at 400 coin profit per card adds up to 8k. That is a 25% increase in coins. If you are experienced enough at trading you will be able to buy about 20 cards per hour and make anywhere from 400-1500 coins per card when you get lucky. If you are making 8k/hour and you trade for 4 hours you have already doubled your coins. All of this is given that you have the constant rate of 20 cards, but as you build up coins you will be able to trade on a much larger scale. When I had 200k I was still trading with players worth about 2k and making about 50k/day. I was trading for maybe 3 hours a day as well.

With higher amounts of money probably about 50k+ I would say you could trade with players that are worth about 7-10k and look to make at least 1k profit on a card if you can. When you have a few hundred thousand then I would say its a good idea to start trading with cards worth 20k and up. 

Now you probably want to know how to find players to trade with. This isn't all that hard. What I usually do is I calculate what I am willing to trade up to. So say 2k. I then go to the auction search and put 3k in the minimum bid and 5k in the maximum bid. Your probably wondering why I do this now. As I've mentioned before, people tend to put players up for buy it nows higher than the average price. This allows you to fish out players worth around 1k while also allowing you to not have players worth over 5k show up. If you want to further check a players price just enter their information in the auction search. Then use the lowest buy it now to find the players price. Then what you want to do is calculate a buying price. First, figure out your selling price and then the EA tax of the selling price. At 2k, there is a 100 coin tax. That means you really get 1900 coins back from the sale. Then, you need to make profit of course. I tend to aim for 400 coins, so you don't want to bid over 1500 coins for a player worth 2k. Before every trading session I would recommend checking the players price just to make sure the price hasn't done anything funny.


Calculator Setup
EA tax is 5%, so you want to calculate 95% of the price you are selling the player at. Once you have entered this data you will have the amount of coins you will receive back from the player if you sell him at the price specified in the sale price box. 

If you want to contact me, it would be best if you sent me a message on Twitter or YouTube because I can not promise that I will check the comments on this blog. If you have any questions at all I would gladly help you to the best of my ability and if there is anything you want me to cover.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Reviewsdays Returns! (But Goes By A New Name)

So a while back, when this blog was in its infancy, I created some series to keep myself to a posting schedule and to let you guys know what topics I would be posting about. But whilst exams were going on this all went a little bit out the window and since then I have transitioned to YouTube, bringing bits and pieces of this blog with me. One of the pieces which did not make it was Reviewsdays. This was mostly because my YouTube channel is about my gaming and this series is about anything and everything meaning that the YouTube channel would limit the series too much and, well, you get the idea.

So in the style of current Hollywood culture, Reviewsdays is getting a reboot. No I'm not saying it will have better visuals at the expense of the writing. Instead it is going to be revamped and revitalised.

First of all it is going to be at least once a week but no longer limited to a specific day, meaning that if I watch a cool movie on Wednesday, I'm telling you on Wednesday. Or if I hear an awesome song on Saturday morning, you'll know on Saturday afternoon. the point is; it's easier for me and better for you. Following from that, it will leave me open to doing multiple reviews throughout the week if I find enough worth talking about.

Secondly I won't be the sole author of this series allowing a variety of views and opinions to be heard and to allow you to draw your own conclusion from them. Personally, I get annoyed when something I like is trashed by some narrow minded reviewer looking to get some publicity out of causing controversy and so to stop you guys hating me for my opinion, which is all I really have to offer, I'm going to try and mix things up a bit, and so I will be collaborating with others on reviews.

Lastly, the name Reviewsdays was just me trying to be punny (get it?) and now that I am trying to clean up this blog and change its whole purpose of being, Reviewsdays will be changed to R View. I know! Kind of cool right?

So enjoy R View and be sure to tell us your view by leaving a comment and subcribing!